Wrexham Trading Standards Officers have seized a large quantity of illegal tobacco products and vapes with a street value exceeding £85,000 as part of their ongoing efforts to crack down on the illicit trade. The officers worked closely with "Op CeCe," the Wales Tobacco Disruption Team, and "Op Blackspear," which focuses on tackling the illegal vape supply.
The operation comes in response to a growing number of retailers selling illegal tobacco products and, more recently, illegal vapes. Despite Trading Standards Officers' efforts to engage with retailers and ensure compliance with legal requirements, thousands of tobacco products and illegal vapes have been confiscated.
Closure Orders and Health Concerns
As part of the clampdown, some retailers who failed to follow advice and guidance have been served with 3-month closure orders issued by the courts. While vapes are considered less harmful than smoking tobacco, their use is not risk-free. The law imposes specific restrictions on disposable vapes, including a maximum capacity and a maximum nicotine strength, as well as strict labeling requirements.
The illegal vapes seized by Wrexham Trading Standards Officers were found to breach these restrictions, presenting a significant potential threat to the health of people using them. The rapid rise in vape use among non-smokers and children is particularly concerning, prompting the UK and Welsh Governments to actively consider new legislation to address the issue.
Protecting Community Health and Wellbeing
Councillor Hugh Jones, Lead Member for Public Protection, welcomed the action taken by Trading Standards and emphasized the importance of protecting the health and wellbeing of young people in the community. He expressed hope that the seizures and closure orders would focus the minds of retailers who continue to sell illegal products without regard for the potential damage to consumers' health.
The sale of illegal tobacco products and vapes is a growing concern, not only in Wrexham but across the UK. Trading Standards Officers remain committed to using their legal powers to protect public health and combat the illicit trade. The successful operation in Wrexham serves as a reminder to retailers of the consequences of selling illegal products and the importance of adhering to legal requirements to ensure the safety of consumers.